A Message from Talawa

We are delighted to share and celebrate the culmination of an incredible journey – the realisation of Our Croydon, a flagship project proudly presented as part of the London Borough of Culture 2023 initiative, aptly named This is Croydon. 

The Our Croydon project, led by Talawa Theatre Company, amplifies and weaves stories of historical, recent and current figures of African and Caribbean heritage who are from or have lived in the borough. Our Croydon took place from 11 November - 14 December 2023 across the borough, comprising talks, workshops, events and exhibitions, celebrating the diversity, resilience, and creativity that define our beloved Croydon and the countless stories it holds.

Our thanks go to our funders the Greater London Authority, the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Arts Council England, and Croydon Council, and our partners Museum of Croydon and Stanley Arts for their unwavering support throughout the several years it took to bring this project to fruition.  
Thank you to the creative vision and tireless efforts of the Our Croydon curatorial team Lehni Lamide Davies, Dr Cecilia Wee and Amina Jama –  whose creative vision has shaped this project, showcasing the diverse tapestry of Croydon's culture and heritage.

Thanks also to the Talawa team, especially A'Ishah Waheed and Regina Agard-Brathwaite whose dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind the success of Our Croydon. 

The project would simply not exist without the creativity, passion, and trust of our incredible participants from the Association of Jamaicans and the talented artists - Samantha Adams, Jeremiah Brown, Nina Mdwaba and felix taylor who are the heartbeat of Our Croydon. Their stories, voices, and perspectives have enriched our project and our lives, making it a true reflection of the vibrant community that is Croydon.

Michael Buffong, Artistic Director and (Joint) CEO 

Carolyn ML Forsyth, Executive Director and (Joint) CEO 

Our Croydon was a project led by Talawa Theatre Company in partnership with Museum of Croydon and Stanley Arts, part of London Borough of Culture.

For enquiries, email contact@talawa.com