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Our Croydon community workshops

In the summer of 2023, Talawa invited a group of nine Caribbean elders to collaborate in a process of creative archiving with lead creative practitioner and dramatherapist Nina Mdwaba, supported by dramatherapist Samantha Adams.

Over 12 weekly workshops, the group gathered to share stories of their experiences of Croydon through various mediums such as poetry, singing and crafting. These sessions traversed a multitude of themes such as belonging, legacy and community.

The group of elders were also joined by two artists Jeremiah Brown and felix taylor, who each led workshops on their practice. With the artists’ input, the participants explored deep listening, graphic score making and photography as new ways of archiving and storytelling.

Image credits: Jeremiah Brown, Ilayda McIntosh

Our Croydon was a project led by Talawa Theatre Company in partnership with Museum of Croydon and Stanley Arts, part of London Borough of Culture.

For enquiries, email